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Conspirators Presents ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF A BLACK MOTORIST Review – Rollicking Raptus


ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF A BLACK MOTORIST - a contemporary, old fashioned, slapstick comedy from The Conspirators

A pair of screens display a news report recounting the event of the play’s title, setting a grimly familiar tone. Immediately thereafter, characters come bursting onto the stage - an impressively meticulous recreation of a municipal office - wearing operatic makeup and engaging in old timey, fast talkin’ slapstick with a contemporary lilt.

Nathaniel Fishburn, Anthony Hinderman

The Conspirators Offer a Keystone Kops approach to Examining Systemic Malfeasance

The high energy cast pratfalls and rapid-fire-puns their way through meditations on Rough Rides, Raptus, Rodney King and much more. A majority of the dialogue was delivered via direct address - punctuated by drums and slide whistles provided by Sarah Scanlon, grounding the antics in percussive precision.

Michael Lomenick, Madison Boan, Ali Janes, Anthony Hinderman

Chicago Style Slapstick

Anthony Hinderman’s bravura lead performance crackled with propulsive bombast. The rest of the ensemble - most notably Nicole Frydman’s Chief of Police - brought sharp comic timing marinated in richly observed Chicago accents.

It is, however, the opinion of this particular reviewer that a fundamental lack of subtext and a script that chose to proselytize, rather than reach for insight caused this compassionate, courageously subversive piece of theatre to fall short of reaching it’s lofty potential. As such, this show is only recommended for progressive comedy fans who seek the catharsis of receiving their laughs from material with a clear social conscience.



Anthony Hinderman - The Actor
Kate Booth - Detective Bertowski
Michael Lomenick - 1st Uniformed Cop/Wildcard
Gunner Bradley - 1st Uniformed Cop/Wildcard
Nathaniel Fishburn - Detective Bekstra
Meaghan Morris - 2nd Uniformed Cop
Madison Boan - 2nd Uniformed Cop
Nicole Frydman - Chief of Police
Ali Janes - Jacqui Bone
Paul Bunton - Dr. Ben Calibus/Wildcard
Sarah Franzel - Anchorperson/Wildcard
Sarah Scanlon & Tom Jasek - Maestrae/Percussion


Thru November 23, 2019


Athenaeum Theatre,
Studio 1, 2936 N. Southport Ave.


Students: $15 +

Check for Half-Price Deals from Hot Tix:

For full price tickets and ticket availability visit Athenaeum Theatre website or call 773-935-6875

Photos by Sarah Scanlon

Note: Picture This Post reviews are excerpted by Theatre in Chicago


Spence Warren Photo: Adam Blaszkiewicz

About the Author:

Spence Warren is a Filmmaker, a Film Worker, A Musician, A Puppet Maker and - apparently - an occasional reviewer. He hopes to offer people - particularly those who love story in all its forms - valuable insight and perspective.

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