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Streaming Musicals Presents EMMA — Preview

Streaming Musicals EMMA

Sam Fine Emma 2-15-18 (83 of 110)

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Available on the Streaming Musicals website


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Emma, based on Jane Austen’s novel, has been adapted for the stage by Paul Gordon—who crafted the production’s music and lyrics.

The cast includes: Kelli Barrett (Emma Woodhouse), Timothy Gulan (Mr. Knightley), Dani Marcus (Harriet Smith), Lauren Cohn (Miss Bates), Brian Herndon (Mr. Elton), Richert Easley (Mr. Woodhouse), Sharon Reitkerk (Jane Fairfax), Will Reynolds (Frank Churchill), Adam Daveline (Robert Martin), Don Richard (Mr. Weston), Pamela Winslow Kashani (Mrs. Weston), Caitlin Brooke (Mrs. Elton / Mrs. Bates / Katherine Martin), and directed by Tim Kashani and Kent Nicholson.

Online access to Emma is available for either rental or purchase. For more information on cost and availability, visit the Streaming Musicals website.

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