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Lima Centro PERU TOUR Review – Almost Like Home

Lima Centro may not be your first pick for how to spend your time during a Peru Tour, but it gives you a good taste of locals' lives

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For anyone who has logged significant time in one of the world’s larger cities—and especially one in Central or Latin America—Lima can feel downright familiar. That’s both the good news and bad news, depending on what you want. Peru as a whole may thrill with encounters with the exotic. Not so, Lima.

The Monaterio de San Francisco gives you are short course on Saint Francis- and the monks who live by his creed to this day

Your feel for real life Limeño living, optimally will start with taking a Metro into the downtown area during rush hour, though this is certainly not recommended for the claustrophobic. As sardine can public transport experiences go, this writer thinks this was the ultimate.

In a made-for-tourist event, you see the goose stepping guards at the Governor's Palace marching to pop tunes

Other than the goose stepping guards doing a made-for-tourist spectacle outside the Governor’s Palace during the changing of the guard ceremony, you will find yourself sharing the colonial architecture lined streets mainly with non-tourists. True, a busker here or there reminds that your tourist dollars are keeping many Limeños afloat, but it’s mainly a scene of locals going about their business and day, or stopping by the public events in the Plaza de Armas--a large telecast of the Peru soccer team being received in Russia on the day we visited, being a good example.

Crowds gather in downtown Lima to watch jumbotron TV broadcasts of the Peruvian soccer team arriving in Russia-- part of the world cup fanfare
A police car guarding the crowds gathering in the square seems out of place with the gentle Peruvian culture you have encountered-- and from another time


And for those who go to Lima for non-stop culinary adventure, you’ll likely find most of your destination dining spots outside the downtown Lima Centro area. Lovers of cheap eats will find the US$3 lunch spots packed with local workers a true find.

Longer stays will allow visits to other great museums in Lima Centro that this one day pit-stop couldn’t take in. However, if your time budget is similarly making Lima more of a transport stop than a destination per se, Picture this Post’s Lima TOP Five Sights– in priority order- would be:

1) Museo Larco

2) Museo Pedro de Osma


4) Monasterio de San Francisco

5) Catedral de Lima

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