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OVID.tv Presents CITIZENS OF THE WORLD Review —Three Lost Men Find Their Way

Ovid.tv Citizens Of The World

About twenty-five scratch-off tickets are lying on the wooden table, which amounts to three hundred euros. Fear holds the penny as it scratches desperately back and forth, revealing unlucky numbers. A bottle of wine is opened and an argument begins.

I know you’re afraid, I can tell.

Who’s afraid? You think I’m afraid?

You are, but it’s normal.

I’m not afraid—you are!

The two men arguing are Professore and Giorgetto, both retired men in their seventies with bags under their eyes and salt and pepper hair. It is common for them to bicker—they are very good friends, yet they agree on very little.

What are they both afraid of? Leaving. Rome is their comfort—the uneven cobblestone streets, the buildings painted a sandy yellow hue, the smell of fresh cheese and wine. Yet it’s exactly what these men are bored of as well—the same delivery truck out at eight in the morning, the same clerk at the grocery store, the same tight and cluttered apartment.

After doubting if they have enough money to support their journey, they decide to travel anyway, meeting Attilio along the way. Attilio comes with an attitude neither men have. He’s strong, bold, and willing. He declares himself a citizen of the world…a free man, and says that nothing will hold him back from leaving. The trio bickers even more now, disagreement flooding their conversations and at times, causing them to walk away from one another. Yet still, they are able to agree on one thing: they all want to leave.

OVID.tv’s CITIZENS OF THE WORLD Highlights the Excitement of Travel

Over beer and crisp pizza, they all discuss what place is best to get the most money for their pensions. What about Bali? Perhaps The Azores? How much does beer cost there? Are there earthquakes, seaquakes, or jellyfish? What about wars? These worries are running through the minds of all three men, yet they don’t want to acknowledge it. To them, this is about a new experience—a satisfying adventure.

However, Atilio’s viewpoint on life shifts when he meets a young homeless man. This man, Abu, struggles day in and day out on the streets, sweating through his only clothing. He works for barely any money, saving up every penny to leave Rome and reunite with his family. Atilio realizes Abu needs to leave Rome for bigger and more important reasons than him and his friends do.

If you love a heartfelt comedy with an unexpected ending, this movie is for you. Or, if you’re simply looking for inspiration to make a change in your life, you’d enjoy this. This whole movie is in Italian, so be prepared to read captions (unless you are fluent in Italian!)


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Gianni di Gregorio (Professore)
Giorgio Colangeli (Giorgetto)
Ennio Fantastichini (Attilio)


Director: Gianni di Gregorio
Screenwriter: Gianni di Gregorio and Marco Pettenello

To watch the film, visit the OVID.tv page for CITIZENS OF THE WORLD

Images courtesy of OVID.tv

Diana Jordan

About the Author: Diana Jordan

A few pieces of paper, folded in the middle with two staples on the crease. That was all Diana needed to spark her imagination and get her pencil moving. This happened at age six, and now Diana is still writing seventeen years later, however in a more modern way…on a computer. Books are her escape, knowing it’s a world away from reality that anyone can vanish in. She is inspired by characters, their actions, and the lessons they learn. When she’s not writing or reading, she’s tanning at the beach. Check out some of Diana’s sample work at dianajordan website.

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