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OVID.tv Presents NUMBER ONE FAN (ELLE L’ADORE) Review – An Unlikely Thrill


What happens when a superstar’s fate becomes inextricably intertwined with that of his most ardent fan?

We meet a superstar, Vincent, when he is with a group of friends playing poker at the dining room table. The room is filled with laughter and joyful banter. Vincent leads the giddy bunch, keeping the conversation flowing and the giddiness high. Behind the poker table Vincent’s girlfriend, Julie, watches the television while muttering groans of discontent.   Her displeasure goes unheard.  She sits, left out of the merriment and then storms past them, marching up the stairs with loud and heavy steps. Suddenly, the laughter stops when Vincent and friends hear the breaking of glass, stomping, and screaming. Julie is demanding that she be heard. Vincent shows his annoyance, and then sends his friends home to deal with his unhappy partner who awaits him upstairs.

Julie sits on the couch but there is an accident.   She now lays lifeless, her body rolled in a rainbow woven blanket. The camera zooms in on Vincent’s expression --blank and numb seeming.  Soon, he rummages through a drawer, pulling out a single letter. By the next scene he’s at her door.  She is Muriel, who is stunned and can’t believe whose face she views through the peephole.  It’s Vincent LaCroix-- her idol!

We had actually already met Muriel in the very first scene of the movie.  She sits in a brightly lit cafe across from her children.  She is regaling them with her tale of how a man came up to her, positive that she’s a woman named Rose. Instead of correcting him she goes along with his assumption.  When he mentions a man she presumes to be a mutual friend, she claims he’s died. Even when the man expresses profound shock and sadness, she lets the lie continue.  As she tells this her childrens’ faces are shrouded in confusion and disbelief. “Why would you say that? they ask, and ask.  Muriel doesn’t answer.

As the story unfolds we follow Muriel and Vincent as they fall under intense scrutiny

OVID.tv’s Number One Fan Keeps You on Your Toes

As the story unfolds we follow Muriel and Vincent as they fall under intense scrutiny once Julie’s body is discovered through a sequence of plot twists and turns that keep us guessing what will come next. Their forbidden relationship grows more complicated by the day.

We watch as Vincent is compelled to trust Muriel as his obsession about getting caught grows.   Like Vincent, we too realize we know nothing about who Muriel truly is, while she knows everything about him.  In this writer’s opinion, it is the slow but persistent change in the power dynamic in Vincent and Muriel’s relationship that makes the suspense so gripping and the film so memorable.

For anyone looking for a thriller minus the jumpscares, the psychological nature of Number One Fan makes this the perfect movie. Number One Fan is in French with English subtitles so anyone who doesn’t enjoy subtitles should steer clear of the film.


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Sandrine Kiberlain, Laurent Lafitte



Directed by Jeanne Herry


To watch the film, visit the OVID.tv page for Number One Fan.


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